
07/11/2024 - 07/12/2024


Margaritaville Beach Resort | Room Rate: $229-$599
310 Padre Boulevard, South Padre Island, TX 78597

Riding for the Defense SPI

Traditionally, ranch life called for all of the ranch hands working for an outfit to dedicate themselves to the brand, in other words, the marking of the ranch where they were employed, by working as hard as they could to help the ranch succeed. Cowboys worked from sunup to sundown, come snow, rain, sleet, hail, or blistering sun. From day to day cowboys could be on horseback pushing cattle, down on the ground fixing fences, or in the corrals branding and working cattle. Working on a ranch still requires that the ranch hands know how to do every job to achieve success. The hit TV series Yellowstone has brought the idea of this way of life to popular culture in a very dramatic fashion. However, the old adage of working as hard as someone can at their craft to achieve success lives on. This course will harken back to the days when ranches dominated the Texas lifestyle to help teach the attendee how to hone their craft as a criminal defense lawyer through work and grit.

CDLP | 6.25 cle | including 0.75 ethics | See Who is Attending

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Riding for the Defense SPI

Riding for the Defense SPI
Traditionally, ranch life called for all of the ranch hands working for an outfit to dedicate themselves to the brand, in other words, the marking of the ranch where they were employed, by working as hard as they could to help the ranch succeed. Cowboys worked from sunup to sundown, come snow, rain, sleet, hail, or blistering sun. From day to day cowboys could be on horseback pushing cattle, down on the ground fixing fences, or in the corrals branding and working cattle. Working on a ranch still requires that the ranch hands know how to do every job to achieve success. The hit TV series Yellowstone has brought the idea of this way of life to popular culture in a very dramatic fashion. However, the old adage of working as hard as someone can at their craft to achieve success lives on. This course will harken back to the days when ranches dominated the Texas lifestyle to help teach the attendee how to hone their craft as a criminal defense lawyer through work and grit.
7/11/2024 - 7/12/2024
Margaritaville Beach Resort | Room Rate: $229-$599 310 Padre Boulevard, South Padre Island, TX 78597 (In-Person)
Online registration not available.

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