Charter Members

Charter members are those 250 lawyers who, prior to December 31, 1971, signified an in­tent to become members of a fledgling association of criminal defense attorneys, the primary pur­pose of which was to protect and defend the rights bestowed upon the citizen accused by the federal and state constitutions, and to fight the constant attacks on those rights. Because of their determination, foresight, and zealous advocacy, what began as 250 lawyers is today an as­so­cia­tion of more than 3,000 members strong. 

Ben L. Adams, Houston* 
William F. Alexander, Dallas 
James K. Allen, Dallas 
Paul W. Anderson, Marshall 
T. Gerald Applewhite, Houston 
A. R. Archer, Monahans* 
Ronald Aultman, Fort Worth 
Cecil W. W. Bain, San Antonio 
Andrew Z. Baker, Galveston* 
Paul E. Banner, Greenville 
Roy R. Barrera, San Antonio 
Pat Beard, Waco 
Jack Warner Beech, Fort Worth* 
Charles E. Benson, Lubbock 
David H. Berg, Houston 
William F. Billings, Dallas* 
Jerry R. Birdwell, Dallas 
Melvin J. Boneau, Port Arthur 
Marion J. Borchers, New Braunfels         
Jim D. Bowmer, Temple* 
John T. Boyce, Dallas 
Quinn Brackett, Lubbock* 
Dennis G. Brewer, Irving 
J. Rodney Brister, Dallas 
B. A. Britt, Texarkana 
Alan Brown, San Antonio 
Bill Wardlaw Brown, Fort Worth 
Clifford W. Brown, Lubbock* 
Lawrence L. Bruhl, Llano 
Paul H. Brunette, Wichita Falls 
Adrian M. Burk, Houston* 
Phil Burleson, Dallas* 
Warren Burnett, League City* 
Charles R. Burton, Austin 
Russell G. Burwell, Texas City 
Charles D. Butts, San Antonio* 
Joseph A. Calamia, El Paso* 
Gerald Thomas Calhoun, Houston 
Sam W. Callan, El Paso 
John C. Cangelosi, Houston 
Charles L. Caperton, Dallas 
Howard A. Carney, Atlanta 
Lee A. Chagra, El Paso 
Joe D. Clayton, Tyler 
Sam Houston Clinton, Austin* 
Hume Cofer, Austin* 
Frank Coffey, Fort Worth 
Emmett Colvin, Fairfax* 
C. C. Cooke, Cleburne 
Vann Culp, Midland 
Phillip L. Cyphers, Pasadena 
Malcolm Dade, Dallas* 
J. P. Darrouzet, Austin 
Sam Daughtery, Dallas* 
Gene de Bullet, Fort Worth 
Dick DeGuerin, Houston 
Buddy M. Dicken, Sherman 
John Dominquez, Mercedes 
Milton E. Douglass, Wichita Falls 
Lee Ducoff, Houston 
Ted Dunnam, Port Lavaca 
W. V. Dunnam, Waco* 
James Eaton, San Angelo 
John Eaton, San Angelo* 
Samuel L. Egger, San Antonio 
Stephen T. Elder, Houston 
Neill English, Irving* 
Fred Erisman, Longview* 
C. David Evans, San Antonio* 
Joe B. Evins, McAllen 
Charles Fairweather, Amarillo 
F. R. “Buck” Files, Tyler 
Bill Fitzgerald, Austin 
Kerry P. Fitzgerald, Dallas 
Percy Foreman, Houston* 
John R. Foster, Del Rio 
Logene L. Foster, Sugar Land 
Mel S. Friedman, Houston 
C. Anthony Friloux, Houston* 
Lawrence L. Fuller, Monahans 
Bob Gibbins, Austin 
George E. Gilkerson, Lubbock* 
William Dale Gillam, Universal City 
James R. Gillespie, San Antonio 
William J. Gillespie, Lubbock 
Bill Glaspy, Mesquite 
Oscar C. Gonzalez, San Antonio 
Joe B. Goodwin, Beaumont 
Clyde Gordon, Houston 
R. Norvell Graham, San Antonio 
Gordon Griffin, Brownwood 
John Richard Hall, Littlefield 
Sam B. Hall, Marshall 
Henry L. Haltom, Houston 
Oren B. Hamlin, Bay City 
Jack Hampton, Dallas 
Forrester Hancock, Waxahachie 
Marvin C. Hanz, San Angelo 
G. C. Harris, Greenville 
Lavern D. Harris, Kerrville* 
Murray L. Harris, Orange 
Richard Haynes, Houston 
Dennis E. Hendrix, Endinburg 
A. L. Herndon, San Antonio 
Odis R. Hill, Longview* 
Roland H. Hill, Fort Worth 
Frank Holbrook, Harker Heights 
Weldon Holcomb, Tyler* 
Paul T. Holt, Austin* 
Rex Houston, Henderson* 
Harvey Lee Hudspeth, El Paso 
Roy C. Hughes, Dallas 
David Hume, Eagle Pass 
John E. Humphreys, Dallas* 
Robert Brian Hunsaker, Harlingen 
Hal Jackson, Denton* 
Morris Jaffe, Dallas 
Warwick H. Jenkins, Waxahachie 
Joe J. Johnson, Fort Worth 
Guilford L. Jones, Burnet 
Robert D. Jones, Austin 
Robert M. Jones, Dallas 
George P. Kazen, Laredo 
N. Joe Kegans, Houston* 
Rogers Kelley, Edinburg 
Stuart Kinard, Austin* 
L. J. Krueger, Liberty* 
Ernest W. Kuehne, Dallas 
William H. Kugle, Athens 
Arthur L. Lapham, Victoria* 
John R. Lee, Gatesville 
Samuel J. Lee, Angleton 
Jack Paul Leon, San Antonio* 
Paxton K. Littlepage, Mart 
George F. Luquette, Houston* 
Max J. Luther, Corpus Christi 
William R. Magnussen, Fort Worth 
Frank Maloney, Austin 
Pat Maloney, San Antonio 
Lester L. May, Dallas 
William S. McCants, Houston 
George S. McCarthy, Amarillo 
Jack McClendon, Lubbock 
R. E. McDaniel, Beaumont 
Charles M. McDonald, Waco* 
John B. McDonald, Houston* 
John McFall, Lubbock* 
Thomas Dale McManus, Channelview       
Elmer McVey, Bryan 
Charles O. Melder, Houston 
Gordon Metcalf, Temple 
Dee Miller, Dallas 
George R. Milner, Dallas* 
Roy Q. Minton, Austin 
Arthur Mitchell, Austin 
Ruben R. Montemayor, San Antonio 
Ray Montgomery, Houston 
O. T. Moore, Lockhart 
Tom Moore, Waco 
Don B. Morgan, Texas City* 
Joseph A. Morgan, El Paso 
James M. Morris, Sherman 
Clarence D. Moyers, El Paso 
Gabriel M. Nahas, Houston 
Harry A. Nass, San Antonio* 
W. R. Neil, Dallas 
Philip A. Nelson, Austin* 
James F. Newth, Dallas 
Anthony Nicholas, San Antonio* 
William A. Orr, Bay City 
Charles C. Orsburn, Little Elm
John J. C. O’Shea, Lubbock 
Welby K. Parish, Gilmer* 
George J. Parnham, Houston 
James W. Patterson, Kerrville 
Bill Pemberton, Greenville 
Vincent Walker Perini, Dallas 
Jimmy Phillips, Angleton 
Johnny Roy Phillips, Lubbock 
Ronald A. Piperi, Houston 
A. J. Piranio, Dallas 
Jack W. Prescott, Temple 
Frank C. Price, Houston 
Pat Priest, San Antonio 
Judith Martin Prince, Houston 
Ronald W. Quillin, Fort Worth 
Jack J. Rawitscher, Houston 
R. Sam Rea, Houston 
J. C. Reagan, New Braunfels 
William G. Reid, Austin 
A. L. Rhodes, Abilene 
Francis C. Richter, Hondo* 
Randel C. Riley, Fort Worth 
Charles L. Rittenberry, Amarillo* 
James E. Robinson, Abilene 
Marian S. Rosen, Houston 
Sam Saleh, Lamesa 
Charles Scarborough, Abilene 
Cletus C. Schenk, Wichita Falls 
George R. Schilter, Webster 
Newton B. Schwartz, Houston 
L. Wayne Scott, Waco 
Randolph Scott, Dallas 
Ross A. Sears, Houston 
Fred A. Semaan, San Antonio* 
Whitley Sessions, Dallas 
Joe Shannon, Fort Worth 
Thomas Gilbert Sharpe, Brownsville* 
William C. Shead, Houston* 
Travis D. Shelton, Lubbock* 
Floyd A. Shumpert, Terrell* 
Earl W. Smith, San Angelo* 
G. Bert Smith, Andrews* 
J. G. Souris, Vernon* 
Robert A. Stallings, Rosenberg 
Don Stokes, Marshall 
C. Bruce Stratton, Liberty 
Dan J. Struve, San Antonio 
Charles W. Tessmer, Garland* 
Richard Thornton, Galveston 
Thomas N. Thurlow, Houston 
Fred Time, Dallas 
Tim Timmins, Dallas 
J. Douglas Tinker, Corpus Christi* 
Joe H. Tonahill, Jasper 
Abel Toscano, Harlingen*
Theodore Trigg, Houston 
Tom Upchurch, Amarillo 
Ned Wade, Houston 
Pat N. Walker, Post 
William F. Walsh, Houston 
Clark Gable Ward, Houston* 
Lee P. Ward, Houston 
James V. Wedding, Marshall* 
Stanley I. Weinberg, Dallas 
Gordon R. Wellborn, Henderson* 
Alvan N. Wells, Killeen 
Joel W. Westbrook, Waco 
Maurice Westerfeld, Houston 
Sam A. Westergren, Corpus Christi 
Raymond A. Wetzel, San Antonio 
Neal B. Wheeler, Dallas* 
R. L. Whitehead, Longview 
J. Charles Whitfield, Houston 
Garland G. Wier, San Antonio* 
Elmo R. Willard, Beaumont 
Don R. Wilson, Abilene* 
Roy Wingate, Orange 
James W. Witherspoon, Hereford 
John A. Woodard, Houston 
Clyde W. Woody, Houston* 
Frank S. Wright, Dallas 
Rodger M. Zimmerman, Waco 
Jerry L. Zunker, Austin